Telewest/NTL Traffic shapping?

Jun 16, 2005
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I've noticed recently that my download speeds have reduced dramatically, and on a number of occassions I have had to reset my modem to re-establish a connection again. :mad:

I have read on the following site that a number of people have been reporting a reduction in line speed.

Has anybody on here with either Telewest or NTL noticed simillar issues lately? :confused:

Very frustrating as Telewest were one of the few ISP stating no restrictions etc...
I have noticed it sometimes takes a second or two delay before most webpages load and that seems weird just been happening lately and was wondering what was going on...
Telewest and NTL are coming together with Virgin to form "Virgin Media" - I wonder if that has anything to do with this?
Yeah I reckon

It only seems to of started happening since the NTL/Telewest merge.

I hope it doesn't continue to happen as it is really annoying. I know they might be doing it because of all the people who are heavy downloaders but I do not consider myself in that same catagory.
By mudfrog
I've noticed recently that my download speeds have reduced dramatically, and on a number of occassions I have had to reset my modem to re-establish a connection again. :mad:

Glad i`m not the only one
Its a shame as Telewest were great until NTL got their paws on them :(
By Ady

Its a shame as Telewest were great until NTL got their paws on them :(

So it a change ?? or do you think Richard will sort it ????.Their adds are a bit saucy :)
If you read mudfrogs link then its obviously a conscious policy decision to curtail heavy users - I don't think it will change under Richard to be honest....
I don't see myself as a heavy user really.

It seems like its the p2p traffic that is being affected. I use BitTorrent for downloading Linux distro's etc...etc... and I used to get great speeds, but all of a sudden it has ground to a halt.

Normal downloading speed seems to be ok. I downloaded a file from the microsoft website and that came down in good speed and did not drop my connection.

But if I attempt a linux torrent I can't get above 30kb and it kills by connection forcing me to reset my modem.


So they seem to be targeting p2p traffic, which is all well and good but it is actually used not just for downloading pirated software etc...
It was origanally created for genuine file sharing and was then manipulated for sharing dodgy files.