Thanks for getting back to me. I think I may have to rephrase the question as I am none the wiser to be honest
I am doing some research and trying to understand why a person would opt for/prefer the above operating systems (is that what they are?). Their argument is that it makes the computer more stable and less lilkely to freeze.
Does any of this make any sense or sound feasible/sensible?
Linux is open source software meaning the guy that designed the software Linux operating system placed no restrictions on anyone else out on the internet working on his software and improving it by ironing out bugs as they went along, which meant many hundreds even thousands of computer programmers were able to write code which fixed problems in the the linux software and which in turn made the software more stable..
Whereas Windows isn't open source and doesn't allow anyone to modify its source code, Bill Gates would have a fit if anyone tried..This in turn makes windows a very good operating system but less stable than Linux because of all the collective minds working on it and constantly fixing any bugs..
Hope thats gone some way to answering your question Gabs...