I want to route traffic between two networks. Looking
for cheapest solution. Have two NIC's in my W2K prof
PC. The one NIC interface to a workgroup, the other NIC
to a domain (192.168.0.xxx vs 192.168.1.xxx).
What are my options in W2K prof? IP routing doesn't seem
to be included in W2K prof (only server). Bridging
connections only seem to be included in XP. IPsec
requires a domain, which require W2K server.
Any ideas?
for cheapest solution. Have two NIC's in my W2K prof
PC. The one NIC interface to a workgroup, the other NIC
to a domain (192.168.0.xxx vs 192.168.1.xxx).
What are my options in W2K prof? IP routing doesn't seem
to be included in W2K prof (only server). Bridging
connections only seem to be included in XP. IPsec
requires a domain, which require W2K server.
Any ideas?