I installed a 2nd NIC into my W2Ksp3 server. After booting the server the
2nd NIC had a h/w address conflict with the 1st NIC. After resolving the
conflict I find I can no longer save IP settings. However ipconfig /all at
the DOS prompt shows that the adapters do have IP settings and can be pinged
from other hosts, but workstations are unable to login (i.e. windows
networking has been affected). Each time I open the TCP/IP settings for each
adapter and change from Automatic to manual and enter the IP address
settings, the settings are lost each time I reopen the dialog box.
I have tried pulling the NICs out, uninstall their drivers and redo
everything again but to no avail. It seems that the h/w address conflict
corrupted something.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks a bunch.
I installed a 2nd NIC into my W2Ksp3 server. After booting the server the
2nd NIC had a h/w address conflict with the 1st NIC. After resolving the
conflict I find I can no longer save IP settings. However ipconfig /all at
the DOS prompt shows that the adapters do have IP settings and can be pinged
from other hosts, but workstations are unable to login (i.e. windows
networking has been affected). Each time I open the TCP/IP settings for each
adapter and change from Automatic to manual and enter the IP address
settings, the settings are lost each time I reopen the dialog box.
I have tried pulling the NICs out, uninstall their drivers and redo
everything again but to no avail. It seems that the h/w address conflict
corrupted something.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks a bunch.