TCP/IP Connection over ActiveSync

  • Thread starter Thread starter Miguel
  • Start date Start date


Just a small issue here:
When running a TCPServer on the PPC, how can I connect to that server
using ActiveSync when the PPC is cradled.
I have read some posts regarding the IP Address in order
to connect to the PPC, but it appears not to be a valid IP.

For example: I have a class in my ppc application. Through reflection I
made an XML representation of the class ( since no serialization is
supported). Now I want that XML representation (merely a string) on my
desktop application.
I really don't see how this can be done.

Any help?
There are lots of options. Basically you need to transfer the file. If you
want the PC to initiate the transfer, then something has to be listening on
the device for a connection. ActiveSync provides that out of the box with
RAPI. If you want to initiate it from the device, then the PC has to have
something listening. An FTP or web server, a web service, or even a shared
folder. A proprietary socket application would work in either case as well.
Basically, there's no magic one-size-fits-all solution for what you want to
do, so at some point you're going to have to make an architectural decision,
and then write some code to make it happen.

Chris Tacke
Are you using the SDF? Let's do a case study.
Email us at d c s @ o p e n n e t c f . c o m
well basicly my idea was to let the ppc application run a tcplistener
in a background thread to which the desktop application could connect.
However as already read before, this cannot be done :(
A proprietary socket application would work in either case as well.

This is what I need but how can you address the ppc from a desktop
There's no standard answer to that. Especially in the WiFi case, that
address will probably be assigned by a DHCP server. There's no way to
derive that. If you aren't going to know how the device is going to be
connected and aren't going to assign a static IP address, you're better off
having the listener be on the PC, which, presumably, is more stable, in
terms of IP addresses.

Paul T.
Hi Miguel!!!!

I believe it can be done. That is, you can have an application running
in the background with a listener listening to a specific port. The problem
is that you need to bind the listener to an IP address. In this scenario, the
IP address will only be present when the device is in its craddle. So what
you need to do is to create an application that runs in the background that
will create a listener as soon as it detects that it has been seated in its
craddle, with enough code to support a brutal disconnection event when the
device is taken out of the craddle.

Sounds like lots of fun... but if you ask me, ActiveSync should be able
to provide an easier and shorter path.

Hope it helps!!
PS: This posting has been posted "AS IS"