After scouring the web for answers and coming up short I was hoping I could find someone here who might have seen an issue similar to my own.
Brand new HP 6930p, XP SP2 with Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 on a corporate LAN. Every hour or so the network connection for the wired NIC drops. When checking the status of the NIC in Network Connections, all the fields (IP, Gateway, etc.,) are blank.
ping.exe results in an application error and so does ipconfig. Rebooting fixes it but it comes back every hour or so. Have had this occur for this same user on two totally separate HP 6930p laptops. Attempted repair of the adapter results in Failure to query TCP\IP, but it only happens for that one adapter. Other adapters can be disabled or repaired just fine.
We have a few dozen of these with no one else seeing the same issue.
Happens every hour or so and we also see a blue screen every so often from aeudio.sys, and a chuck of the minidump shows a lot of audio modules being unloaded.
Can't figure out why this user is unique aside from that he has SQL server and a few Peoplesoft enivronments installed.
Removed SEP when I saw the issue occur once and networking snapped back to life, but then realized he had this issue even before he had SEP.
Also noticed that the latest time the network adapter dropped out (when removing sep bounced it back) I couldn't launch taskmgr.exe or winword, along with a few other apps. Failed with "not enough quota to process this command", was able to use systeminfo.exe to see that virtual memory use was only 40MB and had 2 GB or RAM still available.
Latest sprint connection manager installed as well as Juniper SSL Network Connect app, but a lot of the machines in our company have this.
I'm at a loss of what to even try next.
After scouring the web for answers and coming up short I was hoping I could find someone here who might have seen an issue similar to my own.
Brand new HP 6930p, XP SP2 with Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 on a corporate LAN. Every hour or so the network connection for the wired NIC drops. When checking the status of the NIC in Network Connections, all the fields (IP, Gateway, etc.,) are blank.
ping.exe results in an application error and so does ipconfig. Rebooting fixes it but it comes back every hour or so. Have had this occur for this same user on two totally separate HP 6930p laptops. Attempted repair of the adapter results in Failure to query TCP\IP, but it only happens for that one adapter. Other adapters can be disabled or repaired just fine.
We have a few dozen of these with no one else seeing the same issue.
Happens every hour or so and we also see a blue screen every so often from aeudio.sys, and a chuck of the minidump shows a lot of audio modules being unloaded.
Can't figure out why this user is unique aside from that he has SQL server and a few Peoplesoft enivronments installed.
Removed SEP when I saw the issue occur once and networking snapped back to life, but then realized he had this issue even before he had SEP.
Also noticed that the latest time the network adapter dropped out (when removing sep bounced it back) I couldn't launch taskmgr.exe or winword, along with a few other apps. Failed with "not enough quota to process this command", was able to use systeminfo.exe to see that virtual memory use was only 40MB and had 2 GB or RAM still available.
Latest sprint connection manager installed as well as Juniper SSL Network Connect app, but a lot of the machines in our company have this.
I'm at a loss of what to even try next.