TCP/IP and Internet Access




I've seen a couple of threads on this...but still it appears there is no desisive answer aside from "wipe the box and reinstall the OS"

The problem is that I have a Windows XP Home edition that dials into a network and from there the machine is supposed to have the ability to access the Internet. That is not the case...we can dail into the company, we can ping other resources and the DNS servers, but when we try to go to the Internet, we're not connecting. I tried doing a "ping" and that fails

In an attempt to determine if this was a problem at the company or with the local machine, we installed AOL 8.0. We can get dialed into AOL....however we still have no Internet Access

What I'm noticing is that when I do an "ipconfig /all", the IP Address and the Default Gateway are identical. Not sure if that's "normal" or not.

Since "Networking/Dial Up" cannot be uninstalled and reinstalled in the XP environment, so far the only advice I've been given is to rebuild the box

I'd like to avoid that....I'm wondering if I could use the route command to "flush" anything out that might be in the routing tables on the local machine? Would this make a difference? We've already cleared IE cache and that had no effect.

Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


Connect to (this is Yahoo IP).
When you're talking about 'dial into the network/company' - are you dialing
your office or ISP?

Steve Winograd [MVP]


I've seen a couple of threads on this...but still it appears there is no desisive answer aside from "wipe the box and reinstall the OS".

The problem is that I have a Windows XP Home edition that dials into a network and from there the machine is supposed to have the ability to access the Internet. That is not the case...we can dail into the company, we can ping other resources and the DNS servers, but when we try to go to the Internet, we're not connecting. I tried doing a "ping" and that fails.

In an attempt to determine if this was a problem at the company or with the local machine, we installed AOL 8.0. We can get dialed into AOL....however we still have no Internet Access.

What I'm noticing is that when I do an "ipconfig /all", the IP Address and the Default Gateway are identical. Not sure if that's "normal" or not.

Since "Networking/Dial Up" cannot be uninstalled and reinstalled in the XP environment, so far the only advice I've been given is to rebuild the box.

I'd like to avoid that....I'm wondering if I could use the route command to "flush" anything out that might be in the routing tables on the local machine? Would this make a difference? We've already cleared IE cache and that had no effect.

Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

It's normal for a dial-up connection to have the same IP Address and
Default Gateway.

I don't think that the routing tables are the problem. When you
establish a dial-up connection, it creates a new default route, using
that connection, that overrides any existing routes.

The problem could be a corrupted TCP/IP stack. Try this fix,
frequently posted in this news group by Ken Wickes of Microsoft:

1. Backup and delete the following registry keys:


2. Reboot

3. Open the network connections folder, right click your network
connection, and click Properties.

4. Click Install | Protocol | Add.

5. Click "Have Disk...", type "\windows\inf" in the box, and click

6. Click "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", then click OK.

7. Reboot.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Its not an ISP. The machine dials into a company network.
-----Original Message-----
Connect to (this is Yahoo IP).
When you're talking about 'dial into the
network/company' - are you dialing

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