Tasks are not linked when deleting

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Tasks in the Business Contact History are linked with the Tasks folder.
Tasks brought up from the Business Contact History are updated in the Tasks
folder just fine. However, when I delete a task from Business Contact
History list, why isn't it also deleted in the Task folder. It's a real pain
to have to remember to delete task in both places. Does anyone have a
solution to this?

Tasks are a native Outlook record item. Remember that BCM is a separate db
add-in program that shares the Outlook interface and appears to the user as
part of the same application because of the sharing of records etc. What you
are actually viewing in the Business Contact History list is just a link to
this separate Outlook record. When you delete a task from the Business
Contact History list you are just removing the link in the BCM database. The
actual task record still resides separately in either your Outlook pst or
exchange folder until you delete it there. This is the same for links to
appointment records in the Outlook calendar folder. Is this a pain that
could be made simpler? Probably and perhaps this is the opinion of some
users but it comes with the territory given the way that these 2 programs are
currently designed to worked together. Understanding more how BCM interfaces
with Outlook helps to create less stressful expectations for proper workflow
procedures, etc.
