Taskpad viewable when opening Calendar



Is it possible to hide the Taskpad when the Calendar
folder is first opened?? We have numerous users running
Outlook 2000 with Exchange 2000 who all view several
directors' Calendars but we do not want them to be able to
see the Taskpad.
I know creating a public folder containing calendar items
will get round it but I wondered if there is an obvious
Many thanks,

Tim T.


Do you mean that you do not want them to see
the "directors" taskpad information?

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Is it possible to hide the Taskpad when the Calendar
folder is first opened?? We have numerous users running
Outlook 2000 with Exchange 2000 who all view several
directors' Calendars but we do not want them to be able to
see the Taskpad.
I know creating a public folder containing calendar items
will get round it but I wondered if there is an obvious
Many thanks,

Tim T.

Tim T

Yes...is is a just a question of ticking the "private" box
within the individual task??


No, go into the TOOLS | OPTIONS menu
Select the DELGATES tab
Turn off rights to the directors Taskpad.

You can also do this by right-clicking the Taskpad
folder, select PROPERTIES, and remove everyones
rights to the folder.

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