when a web page is minimized to the taskbar only the first letter is
displayed , therefore If I open a web page {
www.thisisyourlife.com} and
minimize the web page all I get is the letter " T " How do I get the
default settings back ? thanks to all
Is the taskbar icon size too small for all minimized windows - i.e.
just a small square, and not a horizontal rectangle? If so, to restore
the default size do the following:
Open the Registry Editor by going to Start => Run and type in
"regedit" {without the quotes}
Next, navigate to this key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Always backup the key(s) you intend to edit or delete. To backup
(export) a key, highlight the key and in the File drop-down menu
select Export. Select a location you can remember and give the
saved .reg file a suitable name. This is a safety measure in case
something goes wrong - double-clicking on the saved .reg file and
merging the contents of this file will put things back the way they
Next, look in the right-hand pane for a string value named
"MinWidth" (check twice as there are some values with similar names).
If it exists, right-click on it and Delete it to restore the original
You have to Restart or Logoff/on for the change to take effect.