Taskbar refresh?



When my app starts I set its caption in the main form:

Me.Text = "Untitled - MyApp"

After the application is loaded I open my application's document which may take a while to load. So I switch to some other application and the taskbar shows "Untitled - MyApp" as it should. Once the document is loaded my applications sets main form's caption again:

Me.Text = "MyDocument - MyApp"

However, the taskbar still shows "Untitled - MyApp" instead of "MyDocument - MyApp" even when I switch back to my application.

So, how should I "refresh" the taskbar to reflect changed application caption? I'm using VB.NET EE in Win XP Pro SP2.

- Timo


Alexander said:
For me all is good. Show your code, please.

I moved Me.Text = "MyDocument - MyApp" before reading and deserializating data and now that works as it should work. So the actual problem was (and is) in the serialization/deserialization which possibly corrupted memory.
But thanks for your answer...

- Timo

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