Taskbar Clock Doesn't have pop up


Jack Gillis

I just noticed the little yellow popup for the clock on the Task Bar
does show completely when I hover the mouse pointer over it. All other
Icons do. I can see the very tip top of it showing above the Task Bar
but the rest of it is below. This problem has just cropped up.

I have 'Keep the task bar on top of other windows' checked and it is not
locked. Changing those settings doesn't help.

Can any one help me with this.

Thank you.


Jack Gillis said:
I just noticed the little yellow popup for the clock on the Task Bar
does show completely when I hover the mouse pointer over it.

If I mouse over the clock I never know if it's going to appear or not.


Try reboot

Harry Bluebottle

" that all our science, measured against reality,
is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we
-----The Great Albert Einstein------

Stan Brown

I just noticed the little yellow popup for the clock on the Task Bar
does show completely when I hover the mouse pointer over it. All other
Icons do. I can see the very tip top of it showing above the Task Bar
but the rest of it is below. This problem has just cropped up.

Can any one help me with this.

In Task Manager, find and stop any Explorer processes.

Still in Task Manager, File | Run and type (no quotes) explorer.

Explorer sometimes gets confused about the taskbar. Stopping and
restarting it does not need a reboot.


Jack said:
Thank you.

Yes, that cleared the problem up. However it is a bit awkward.

in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general:

In Task Manager, find and stop any Explorer processes.

Still in Task Manager, File | Run and type (no quotes) explorer.

Explorer sometimes gets confused about the taskbar. Stopping and
restarting it does not need a reboot.

It's a well known bug in XP. Either reset explorer or logout then back
in which fixes it -- until the next time.

Grandpa Ed

Don't mind me, I just sort of "piggy backed " in here.

Start and stop explorer worked--------------

Added value to registry (with some trepidation)----------

Still working.

Thank you to all for the information and fix.

Grandpa Ed
Way Down in Swampeast Missouri

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