Task Scheduler

  • Thread starter Thread starter Canice
  • Start date Start date

Which particular Service - it may be possible?


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| Is it possible to use task scheduler to restart a windows
| service on a daily basis?
It's not a Microsoft standard service. It's for a service
that controls printing spools for another application that
I support. Just wondering is there a standard way of
doing this.
thanks for the suggestion but I can't exit windows as it's
a server that has other applications running on it. Just
wondering is there a standard way of doing this.

Try here:



Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| It's not a Microsoft standard service. It's for a service
| that controls printing spools for another application that
| I support. Just wondering is there a standard way of
| doing this.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hi
| >
| >Which particular Service - it may be possible?
| >
| >--
| >
| >Will Denny
| >MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
| >
| >
| | >| Is it possible to use task scheduler to restart a
| windows
| >| service on a daily basis?
| >
| >
| >---
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| >
Canice said:
Is it possible to use task scheduler to restart a windows
service on a daily basis?

A batch file with the appropriate net commands should do it. For example
a batch file to stop and restart your IIS services might be:

::stop the services
net stop w3svc
net stop smtpsvc
net stop MSFtpsvc
net stop iisadmin
::start them back
net start w3svc
net start smtpsvc
net start MSFtpsvc

So you would put your stop/start commands in a batch file and then
schedule the batch file. If your service has any other services dependent
on it, you'll want to stop those first.
Tom Porterfield

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.
thanks Tom,

Will try this now.
-----Original Message-----

A batch file with the appropriate net commands should do it. For example
a batch file to stop and restart your IIS services might be:

::stop the services
net stop w3svc
net stop smtpsvc
net stop MSFtpsvc
net stop iisadmin
::start them back
net start w3svc
net start smtpsvc
net start MSFtpsvc

So you would put your stop/start commands in a batch file and then
schedule the batch file. If your service has any other services dependent
on it, you'll want to stop those first.
Tom Porterfield

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.
