task scheduler: “Start c:\work\MyCon.lnk”

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


In Windows 2000, I have a dial-up networking setup named
MyCon. In a batch file “Start c:\work\MyCon.lnk” works and
open the connection if I launch it on the command prompt.
If task scheduler launches it, it seems it does not work.
I see that task scheduler launches batch file successfully
(I see some log) but it seems “Start c:\work\MyCon.lnk" is
not successfully launched since I do not hear any modem
voice. any help please.
Hi Jim,

Have you tried using the rasphone command with Dial-Up Networking Command Line
switches? For more information, click Start, click Run, type the following command
and click OK: CMD /K RASPHONE /?

Also, you may want to try posting to microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin

Your newsgroup message header seems to indicate that you are posting to the Microsoft
Public Newsgroups using the Microsoft Communities Web Page. If I am correct, if you
click the first link below it will open your browser to the:

Microsoft Communities Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin

If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook Express, and
use the msnews.microsoft.com news server, here is a link:

Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
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: "Jim" <xyz_999 AT hotmail DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 01:07 PM
: Hello,
: In Windows 2000, I have a dial-up networking setup named
: MyCon. In a batch file “Start c:\work\MyCon.lnk” works and
: open the connection if I launch it on the command prompt.
: If task scheduler launches it, it seems it does not work.
: I see that task scheduler launches batch file successfully
: (I see some log) but it seems “Start c:\work\MyCon.lnk" is
: not successfully launched since I do not hear any modem
: voice. any help please.
: Thanks,
: Jim.