Task Manager Unavailable


Chris Saunders

When I right click on the taskbar Task Manager is grayed out and I don't
understand why. I am using Process Explorer but I have not selected to
replace Task Manager from the options menu. Anyone have an idea?

Chris Saunders

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

Sounds like your Group Policy settings have changed.

Give this a try:
Open Run command (Windows key + R)
Type "gpedit.msc" without quotes then click OK

Go to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Ctrl + Alt +
Del Options.
Set Remove Task Manager to Disabled.


I lost access to my task manager and was getting an error message
"admistrator has blocked access". Searching this forum I found a registry
fix that restored it. http://windowsxp.mvps.org/reg/EnableTM.reg (good for
Vista too). When I did a virus scan I found two medium risk viruses that
were adware related. I'm thinking they disabled task manager so I couldn't
see what they were doing.

Mr. Arnold

Chris Saunders said:
When I right click on the taskbar Task Manager is grayed out and I don't
understand why. I am using Process Explorer but I have not selected to
replace Task Manager from the options menu. Anyone have an idea?

It sounds like malware has compromised the computer, and it has taken out
the Task Manager.

Chris Saunders

I'm resending this message because I'm not sure it got through the first

When I right click on the taskbar Task Manager is grayed out and I don't
understand why. I am using Process Explorer but I have not selected to
replace Task Manager from the options menu. Anyone have an idea?

Chris Saunders

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