OS - Windows XP
Pertinent Software - IE7, Outlook 2003, Access 2003.
This issue has been occurring on multiple workstations. As users are
working, several, if not all Task Manager processes appear as windows on the
desktop. Most appear as grey bars that cannot be clicked on and cannot be
activated/closed. The taskbar fills with anywhere from 10-30 programs that
ordinarily only show listed as a background process in Task Manager. We have
been unable to pinpoint the cause of this problem. 1 of the users has had
this happen on 3 separate computers, as we first thought it was a hardware
problem. On this user's computer we have also tried different network ports,
well as changing video settings, as she stated the problem usually
arose when it would switch from one app. to another. We have been
unable to find any commonalities between the 3 users, other than to
say that IE7 runs on their machine as well as Outlook 2003. They also
use a proprietary database application that uses Access 2003 as it's
front end. We can get rid of the processes by either closing them (or
restarting if the system freezes), but the problem returns X number of
days/weeks later. The one user says she has had this happen a couple of
times as she is clicking on a link from an application that will send an
e-mail via Outlook.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need
further information.
OS - Windows XP
Pertinent Software - IE7, Outlook 2003, Access 2003.
This issue has been occurring on multiple workstations. As users are
working, several, if not all Task Manager processes appear as windows on the
desktop. Most appear as grey bars that cannot be clicked on and cannot be
activated/closed. The taskbar fills with anywhere from 10-30 programs that
ordinarily only show listed as a background process in Task Manager. We have
been unable to pinpoint the cause of this problem. 1 of the users has had
this happen on 3 separate computers, as we first thought it was a hardware
problem. On this user's computer we have also tried different network ports,
well as changing video settings, as she stated the problem usually
arose when it would switch from one app. to another. We have been
unable to find any commonalities between the 3 users, other than to
say that IE7 runs on their machine as well as Outlook 2003. They also
use a proprietary database application that uses Access 2003 as it's
front end. We can get rid of the processes by either closing them (or
restarting if the system freezes), but the problem returns X number of
days/weeks later. The one user says she has had this happen a couple of
times as she is clicking on a link from an application that will send an
e-mail via Outlook.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need
further information.