Hello group
This might be off topic but hoping somebody here is familiar with
these problem. As this is first time I experienced this and I am at a
loss why this happen.
Just today I experienced a unique behavior of the task manager that
just lost its minimize and maximize button and even the CPU activity
that notifiy now many percent is is running is gone.I can't change to
other view of this task manager therefore
I have difficulty seeing whats running as the webpages and other
windows are replaced with just another view the operations running,
such as the image name, users name, etc.
I can shift anymore to other slots such as activity etc.
Why is it behaving like this?
Can anybody give me some clues whats going on.
BTW my PC is protected by constantly updated Kaspersky Internet
This might be off topic but hoping somebody here is familiar with
these problem. As this is first time I experienced this and I am at a
loss why this happen.
Just today I experienced a unique behavior of the task manager that
just lost its minimize and maximize button and even the CPU activity
that notifiy now many percent is is running is gone.I can't change to
other view of this task manager therefore
I have difficulty seeing whats running as the webpages and other
windows are replaced with just another view the operations running,
such as the image name, users name, etc.
I can shift anymore to other slots such as activity etc.
Why is it behaving like this?
Can anybody give me some clues whats going on.
BTW my PC is protected by constantly updated Kaspersky Internet