Task Manager has changed and does not function correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter USAOz
  • Start date Start date


For some unknown reason (but after the most recent 25/9/08) automatic windows
update, my Task Manager does not appear or function correctly.

When I press Ctrl-Alt-Del to invoke the Task Manager, I no longer get the
screen with all the tabs at the top, instead I get only a white window with
the currently running tasks showing. I can NOT do ANYTHING in this window -
nor even switch tasks asI used to be able to do!

I cannot close this window unliss I right-click the system toolbar icon.

I cannot even log-off or restrart as I used to be able to do in this window.

Any ideas about what's happened and more importantly, how to correct this
sitaution and restore the Task Manager to Windows installed default?
USAOz said:
For some unknown reason (but after the most recent 25/9/08) automatic windows
update, my Task Manager does not appear or function correctly.

When I press Ctrl-Alt-Del to invoke the Task Manager, I no longer get the
screen with all the tabs at the top, instead I get only a white window with
the currently running tasks showing. I can NOT do ANYTHING in this window -
nor even switch tasks asI used to be able to do!

I cannot close this window unliss I right-click the system toolbar icon.

I cannot even log-off or restrart as I used to be able to do in this window.

Any ideas about what's happened and more importantly, how to correct this
sitaution and restore the Task Manager to Windows installed default?

You can do a system restore back to a point prior to the updates you
have mentioned to correct the problem, possibly. You can also do the
updates manually to pinpoint what update has caused you problems.

Keep in mind now that when a user starts having problems with Task
Manager, it's usually malware that is the culprit.
This has nothing to do with malware and everything to do with the fact that
the O/P changed the mode of operation for Task Manager without realizing it.
USAOz said:
For some unknown reason (but after the most recent 25/9/08) automatic windows
update, my Task Manager does not appear or function correctly.

When I press Ctrl-Alt-Del to invoke the Task Manager, I no longer get the
screen with all the tabs at the top, instead I get only a white window with
the currently running tasks showing. I can NOT do ANYTHING in this window -
nor even switch tasks asI used to be able to do!

I cannot close this window unliss I right-click the system toolbar icon.

I cannot even log-off or restrart as I used to be able to do in this window.

Any ideas about what's happened and more importantly, how to correct this
sitaution and restore the Task Manager to Windows installed default?

It sounds like you're running Task Manager in "Small Footprint
Mode." Simply double-click anywhere along the top or side borders to
return to a normal view. Alternatively, pressing <Ctrl>+<Tab> will
allow you to cycle between the various displays, and <Alt>+<F4> will
close it.

Task Manager Menu Bar and Tabs Are Not Visible in Windows XP (Applies to
Vista, as well.)


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Paul said:
You can do a system restore back to a point prior to the updates you
have mentioned to correct the problem, possibly. You can also do the
updates manually to pinpoint what update has caused you problems.

Keep in mind now that when a user starts having problems with Task
Manager, it's usually malware that is the culprit.

Seems like a rather severe remedy for correcting a known display option
of the Task Manager.

There's no malware involved; the OP simply accidentally double-clicked
the Task Manager's border, and now need only repeat the action to
reverse the toggle and restore the Task Manager's normal interface.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Hi there
In my Vista Home Basic 32 bit (86)
I push Ctrl Shift Esc and Windows Task Manager opens
Bruce said:
Seems like a rather severe remedy for correcting a known display
option of the Task Manager.

There's no malware involved; the OP simply accidentally
double-clicked the Task Manager's border, and now need only repeat the
action to reverse the toggle and restore the Task Manager's normal

I didn't even know that Task Manager had some kind of small foot print.
I based it on the information given and past incidents of Task Manager
being taken-out by malware so the user could not see or do anything by
using TM, which was always the case on other MS Windows O/S platforms.
Paul said:
I didn't even know that Task Manager had some kind of small foot print.

As far as I can recollect, this feature's been available as far back as
WinNT. Admittedly, it has been, shall we say, "under-documented,"
though, so many people are unaware of it. That's why the OP's very same
question gets asked - though often worded in various ways - and answered
every few days in these newsgroups.

I based it on the information given and past incidents of Task Manager
being taken-out by malware so the user could not see or do anything by
using TM, which was always the case on other MS Windows O/S platforms.

Yes, there haver been several sorts of malware that have prevented Task
Manager, often along with Regedit and MSConfig, from opening, but I've
not heard of any that simply changed its appearance. If you know of any
specific examples of this latter sort, I'd very much appreciate the
additional education.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Thank you VERY much for that useful and correct solution!

As was indicated in the sub-discussions to this post, I - like many others -
was not even aware of this "tiny footprint" option! Why would you even WANT
it? As it seems that MS had "under-documented" it and its solution, you
would think they WOULD document it or put a fix or restore default option in
the Task Manager!

Again - thanks heaps!