task manager flaw

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it appears this has been a problem for about a week. whenever i open
internet explorer it shows up in task manager under the applications tab
however it doesnt show up in the process tab as it always has. i do notice
that in the mem usage column of the task manager for explorer.exe the usage
goes up by about 1,500 for every ie window that is open. also mem usage for
explorer.exe reaches well into the 100,000+ range and stay there after
closing tasks. i have also seen it peak at well over 300,000 (as if playing
a demanding video game). i'm currently running winxp pro sp2 all current
updates. ran various anti- spyware, malware, trojan, virus programs to no
avail. have run processexplorernt and hijackthis with no unusual findinds.
any help is much appreciated, thanks
First, were you aware that Internet Explorer shows up in Processes as
IExplore.exe? If you were use a tabbed browser - such as Firefox (
http://www.mozilla.com ) - you would find that opening a page in a new tab
doesn't use any extra RAM (memory); with Internet Explorer, you can only open
pages in new windows.
Another Netscape idiot. Most of us experienced users were sweating on MS to release IE ver 1 so we could dump NS.

If what you say is true about Firefox, and I doubt it is, then it is a program to skip as it is broken. But more likely, like with your comments about IE, you are just wrong.

In windows the tax is paid on process creation. All other operations are relatively cheap, incl window creation.

The poster is running IE in the Explorer process. That means it is especially cheap. Explorer is the browser of everything anyway and it is configurable to run everything in one process.
yes i am aware that iexplorer.exe will show up in the process tab when ie is
open. the issue is that it doesnt appear there as i previously stated. i
can have 10 windows of ie open and it doesnt show anymore. it appears that
something has changed to keep it from appearing in the process tab even tho
it shows up in the application tab. for instance right now i have 3 seperate
ie windows open, all 3 show up in the apps tab under tasks and status. when
i switch to the process tab no instance of iexplorer.exe is present as it
should be. however for every ie window that is open the mem usage for
explorer.exe increases about 1,500. the thing i want to know is way this is
happening since it doesnt appear normal.
With IE open, however many instances, open Task Manager |
Applications tab | Right click one of the IE instances |
Select Go To Process |

What gets highlighted under the Processes tab?

Rinse, repeat.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

mr. candy, yes there is a problem because this is not usual on this computer.
each instance of ie should have its own image name in the process tab.
something has change and was trying to figure out what happened. i
appreciate that you took the time to read the post but please if all your
replies are going to be useless dont post replies because they dont help.
You do not have a problem. You are abusing the group. If you want to ask "Why?" questions go to a library and read like I did (and I had to travell 100Km to the only library in my country with books on MS).

What you see is perfectly normal.
i didnt know that asking questions in a help forum was abusing it. if this
is perfectly normal way is it that this has only started appearing this way
in the last week. i has always seen an image name for iexplorer.exe
seperately from explorer.exe in the task manager. something has changed to
make iexplorer.exe not appear as usual and trying to figure out what has
caused this. hence the reason for posting on a forum that helps people who
ask questions "WHY" something is happening. if you don't anything better to
say than "you dont have a problem" then dont post this thread unless you have
proof that there is no problem.
p.s. not sound like an a$$ but maybe try reading a book about courtesy.
It funny how abusive people always talk about courtesy. You have no problem. Stop using task manager and you'll never know your computer is faster.
I give up, hints or not. <zoom> Right over my head.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

He wrote a script to check the registry settings. He was asking about blank lines or something but the script checked settings for Explorer - to see what to spin out to new processes.

IE There is no problem. I was sure it was in Internet Options - Advanced (Open Browser Windows in New Process or something) but it ain't there now. Maybe SP2. In IE5.5 it was made automatic (off if less than 32 MB and on if more) but I'm sure it became a user setting again in IE6.

I can't stand people who poke their noses where they don't belong. He has no problem at all. He shouldn't be using Task Manager.