The term "assign" means that the recipient becomes the owner of the Task.
So please stop using it. It is NOT exactly what you want to do. Others
reading this post need to also understand that. You are NOT trying to
Assign Tasks to Contacts. You are trying to link tasks to contacts. That
function uses the Contacts button, bottom left corner within a Task.
Assigning uses the Assign button at the top menu of a Task. They create
very different outcomes.
To do what you want I would create a Task with the Subject: Call All
Category X customers.
Then when I want to do the Task, I would go to the Contacts Folder, View it
grouped By Category. And ring them all. Write notes in the white space and
then you'll be able to see which ones you have been able to get through to
and which ones you still need to try. You can show the Notes field in the
By Category View as well - just drag it from the Field Chooser and place it
beside the existing fields. (turn on the Advanced Toolbar to find the Field
Chooser) The notes are a great place for running notes of conversation.
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant
read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia
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