Just to the right of the start button there is a retangle with a little
white square inside it on the far left side like an application is
tunning. It does not do anything. If you click on it it just changes
color light blue to a darker blue. Any idea what it is and how to get
rid of it? Thank you
Can you provide an image of the icon? Please keep the image size small.
With the "retangle with a little white square inside it" present on the
taskbar and on the monitors screen:
Press the "PrtScr" (PrintScreen) key on the keyboard.
Open "Paint" or any other graphic editing application.
In "Paint" press CTRL+V on the keyboard to paste the screen capture.
Click on any tool button on the left other then the dotted rectangle.
Click on the dotted rectangle.
If needed, scroll to where the "retangle with a little white square inside
it" is in the graphic.
Place your cursor on the upper right corner of the "retangle with a little
white square inside it".
Press/hold down the Left mouse button and drag it across/down to the bottom
left corner of the "retangle with a little white square inside it".
Press CTRL+C.
On the Menu bar click File > New.
Click the "No" button in the "Save changes to......" popup message box.
In the new file window press CTRL+V.
Click once outside of the new pasted graphic.
Place your cursor on the lower left corner of the graphic background area so
it becomes a diagonal double pointer.
Press/hold down the Left mouse and drag the background to the edge of the
On the Menu bar click File > Save.
In the Save As window change "Save in" to your desktop, leave "File name" as
untitled, click the "Save as type" dropdown arrow, click JPEG and click
Attach the "untitled" graphic in a response in this thread.
Brian A. Sesko
Conflicts start where information lacks.
Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question: