Try running this from Start | Run | Type > regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
I have lost the 'Scan picture' option in the task bar panel of the 'My
Pictures' folder.
This happened after I installed the Windows Fax software using Fax wizard.
The Fax software and scanning still work but I would like to put the option
back in the panel.
I tried running Start | Run | Type > regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
This had no effect.
Any clues would be appreciated
Paul Ballou
MVP Office
Life would be easier if we could view the source code
I have lost the 'Scan picture' option in the task bar panel of the 'My
Pictures' folder.
This happened after I installed the Windows Fax software using Fax wizard.
The Fax software and scanning still work but I would like to put the option
back in the panel.
I tried running Start | Run | Type > regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
This had no effect.
Any clues would be appreciated