Task assignment and PDAs



We want to be able to assign tasks to our technicians via their PDAs.

All works fine and dandy if the technician checks his/her tasks from
Outlook, but we need the techs to be able to connect their PDA using our
WLAN and obtain new Tasks, accept them, and mark them as complete. We have
many buildings and all too often a tech will return to their desk from an
outlying building only to find another task awaiting them in that same
outlying building.

Is this do-able?

Thanks much,

Brian Tillman

bondg said:
We want to be able to assign tasks to our technicians via their PDAs.

All works fine and dandy if the technician checks his/her tasks from
Outlook, but we need the techs to be able to connect their PDA using
our WLAN and obtain new Tasks, accept them, and mark them as
complete. We have many buildings and all too often a tech will
return to their desk from an outlying building only to find another
task awaiting them in that same outlying building.

Is this do-able?

If they sync to their desktops, yes. If your wireless LAN covers all the
buildings and your techs' PDAs are wireless-enabled, it should work.


Here's the deal.... Dot (the one who does the assigning) creates a task and
assigns it, then sends it. When the techs check their PDA Inbox, they see
the email that is sent assigning the task, but they have no way to accept
it. Pocket PC Inbox doesn't provide the Accept/Decline buttons. Nor does
OWA. This of course means Dot gets no updates sent to her automatically.

Currently, we can allow the tech to do the "paperwork" (accepting, marking
complete, et al) when he/she returns to his/her desk, but in the near
future, we'd like to do away with the techs having a desktop PC.

I suppose the bottom line question is, is there a product that will allow
for full MAPI functionality where Outlook Tasks are concerned.

Thanks for any/all suggestions,


Brian Tillman

bondg said:
Currently, we can allow the tech to do the "paperwork" (accepting,
marking complete, et al) when he/she returns to his/her desk, but in
the near future, we'd like to do away with the techs having a desktop

Tablet PC, then, would e the way to go, since Pocket Outlook will probably
never implement the buttons in the mail. There are third-party mail
programs for the PocketPC, but I'm not familiar with any of them Try asking
in the PocketPC groups. microsoft.public.pocketpc or
microsoft.public.windowsce.* are the places for that.

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