TargetInvocationException being thrown - what does it mean?

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I am passing in a object in to a method (ZoneTransactionController.SaveZone) that in running inside a COM+ component (with transaction.requiresNew set).

The object will serialise and deserialize properly.

However, we are getting the below exception on only one of our development machines. The other machine it works fine.

The method has been reduced to its signature and this still appears.

The component is in the gac and of course COM+.

I cannot seem to step in to the code for ZoneTransactionController.SaveZone even though I attach to the correct dllhost at runtime.

Exception details:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the ta
rget of an invocation.
at System.EnterpriseServices.IRemoteDispatch.RemoteDispatchAutoDone(String s)

at System.EnterpriseServices.RemoteServicedComponentProxy.Invoke(IMessage req
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgDa
ta, Int32 type)
at NZDF.Air.AircraftReview.ZoneTransactionController.SaveZone(Zone ZoneToSave
, String UserName)
Another case I've seen it is when a non-serializable exception gets thrown
out of the component.... this can especially happen when you don't expect it
if you have an inner exception....

Tomas Restrepo
(e-mail address removed)

markeboy said:
Please ignore this posting

Problem was due to not serializing attached objects.
(ZoneTransactionController.SaveZone) that in running inside a COM+ component
(with transaction.requiresNew set).ZoneTransactionController.SaveZone even though I attach to the correct
dllhost at runtime.