Target Driven Culture - opinions

Apr 13, 2003
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I watched, with great interest, on this morning's GMTV news item about the UK police in being bogged down by the target driven and project managed culture. In it, they were saying that police were concentrating too much on petty minded offenses just to meet their targets, at the expense of more serious offenses that would take up too much of their time.

What are your views?

I have felt for sometime now that it is not working. People are now under too much pressure to 'meet targets' and get as many jobs (or cases) done in often too little time. What I find particularly worrying is that this culture is now being used in schools, thus putting additional stress on both teachers, and pupils alike.

I think that project management has its place but not at the expense of the quality of the work being produced, and the happiness, morale and job satisfaction of the workforce.
Targets have become an appaling excuse for failing public services.

The government has put a ridiculous amount of money in the NHS over the last 3 years, just as it said it would. It then throws this in our faces whenever we challenge them about the awful closures of hospitals and A+E services, the MRSA thing, waiting times and all those other gripes we accumulate.

The problem is that the money put in was frittered away on managers and managers' pay rises. And the government doesn't want to admit it, so they just point out the targets they have 'achieved'.

There are a spectacular amount of kids leaving school unable to properly read or write. This is the sole result of the education targets, where exams are simply made easier and easier to compensate for kids getting lower grades. To achieve the 'target' of 60% A-C's or whatever it may be, the government must make sure the majority of kids do this otherwise they will look like they are failing, and this puts pressure on schools to perform otherwise they will be shut down. Of course, this isn't helped by all the 'pro active learning' crap that is chucked around, but still. For some obscure reason, the government is trying to make failing tests a thing of the past?

Tests are supposed to seperate the clever from the stupid, if you will excuse my bluntness. If everybody passes, they are a completely pointless excercise!

I am currently taking my AS levels(which I am on track to fail, may I add), and they are bloody hard. But, my GCSE's, looking back, were a bloody walkthrough! Also apparently now Science GCSEs are multiple choice...!

It is the same with the Fire Service, the Police and probably any other public service you may think of.

And above all, it makes doing the job a bloody nightmare I should imagine! I have absolute respect for any doctor, nurse, teacher, firemen, policemen or whoever. They are some of the most difficult jobs in my opinion, and how much added pressure the targets give must be phenominal.

I am aware that targets are in many other places in society, but someone else can have their say about them. This has taken much longer than I thought...! :D

EDIT: I just re-read this and I sound really angry here. I'm actually not. I was just trying to make a point about targets and it has gone all rant-ish for some reason :D ;)
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I'm not sure about this yet as i'm not on the streets until July 29th.

I'm sure i'll form an opinion then!
cguil_uk said:
I watched, with great interest, on this morning's GMTV news item about the UK police in being bogged down by the target driven and project managed culture. In it, they were saying that police were concentrating too much on petty minded offenses just to meet their targets, at the expense of more serious offenses that would take up too much of their time.

What are your views?


In any situation with finite resources (education,policing,health and almost everything I can think of) targets distort the realities and common sense of life. I have seen it at first hand.
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