I've got this nifty form with a calendar control and an Ok button - picture that. The form that contains these controls has a public event that I added, BeforeHide(ValueOfDateControl). This event is kicked off when the user clicks the Ok button on the form. Before the form sets its visibility to false (invisible) it raises the event. The problem is, it isn't raising the event, and I don't know why. Below you can see the code I've used for the calendar form. I've also included the code I'm using for the code I'm using for the form calling the calendar for. Tips would be appreciated - especially on a Sunday
# Calendar For
Private mdteDteSel As Dat
Public Event BeforeHide(ByVal dteDteSel As Date
Public Property Get SelectedDate() As Dat
Let SelectedDate = mdteDteSe
End Propert
Public Property Let SelectedDate(ByVal dteNewVal As Date
Let mdteDteSel = dteNewVa
End Propert
Private Sub calDteSel_AfterUpdate(
Let mdteDteSel = Me.calDteSel.Valu
End Su
Private Sub cmbOk_Click(
RaiseEvent BeforeHide(mdteDteSel
Let Me.Visible = Fals
End Su
Public Function CloseSelf(
Call DoCmd.Close(acForm, Me.Name
End Functio
Public Function OpenSelf(
Call DoCmd.OpenForm(Me.Name, acNormal
End Functio
# Calling For
Option Compare Databas
Option Explici
Private WithEvents frm As Form_frmCa
Private WithEvents mail As mai
Private Sub Form_Load(
Set frm = New Form_frmCa
Set mail = New mai
End Su
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer
Call frm.CloseSel
Set frm = Nothin
Set mail = Nothin
End Su
Private Sub frm_BeforeHide(ByVal dteDteSel As Date
Debug.Print "Is executing
Let Me.Text0.Value = CStr(dteDteSel
End Su
Private Sub mail_BeforeMessageDisplay(
Debug.Print "The mail message is about to display!
End Su
Private Sub tbDate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer
Call frm.OpenSel
End Su
Private Sub tbMailTo_DblClick(Cancel As Integer
Let mail.Receiver = tbMailTo.Tex
Call mail.Displa
End Sub
I've got this nifty form with a calendar control and an Ok button - picture that. The form that contains these controls has a public event that I added, BeforeHide(ValueOfDateControl). This event is kicked off when the user clicks the Ok button on the form. Before the form sets its visibility to false (invisible) it raises the event. The problem is, it isn't raising the event, and I don't know why. Below you can see the code I've used for the calendar form. I've also included the code I'm using for the code I'm using for the form calling the calendar for. Tips would be appreciated - especially on a Sunday
# Calendar For
Private mdteDteSel As Dat
Public Event BeforeHide(ByVal dteDteSel As Date
Public Property Get SelectedDate() As Dat
Let SelectedDate = mdteDteSe
End Propert
Public Property Let SelectedDate(ByVal dteNewVal As Date
Let mdteDteSel = dteNewVa
End Propert
Private Sub calDteSel_AfterUpdate(
Let mdteDteSel = Me.calDteSel.Valu
End Su
Private Sub cmbOk_Click(
RaiseEvent BeforeHide(mdteDteSel
Let Me.Visible = Fals
End Su
Public Function CloseSelf(
Call DoCmd.Close(acForm, Me.Name
End Functio
Public Function OpenSelf(
Call DoCmd.OpenForm(Me.Name, acNormal
End Functio
# Calling For
Option Compare Databas
Option Explici
Private WithEvents frm As Form_frmCa
Private WithEvents mail As mai
Private Sub Form_Load(
Set frm = New Form_frmCa
Set mail = New mai
End Su
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer
Call frm.CloseSel
Set frm = Nothin
Set mail = Nothin
End Su
Private Sub frm_BeforeHide(ByVal dteDteSel As Date
Debug.Print "Is executing
Let Me.Text0.Value = CStr(dteDteSel
End Su
Private Sub mail_BeforeMessageDisplay(
Debug.Print "The mail message is about to display!
End Su
Private Sub tbDate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer
Call frm.OpenSel
End Su
Private Sub tbMailTo_DblClick(Cancel As Integer
Let mail.Receiver = tbMailTo.Tex
Call mail.Displa
End Sub