I just gotta tell ya this little story..
It is completely true..
Back in about 2001 one of my friends came steaming into my place and headed straight for the HiFi in the corner, I was a bit taken aback by his urgency and asked what was goin down, he then proceeded to squack on about a brand new album he had heard in the record shop he was visiting and that this was a brand new singer songwriter of which he had not heard better for years..He was raving on and on about how good this new singer was and said I wouldn't believe how great the album was until I had heard it for myself..
He took the cd from its case and put it into my multichanger and hit the play button and turned up the volume, I couldn't see the case as it was out of my veiw to the side of him but then heard a very familiar sound..
I stood there with my mouth agape and then burst into hysterics of laughter, by which time my mate turned towards me and couldn't work out was I was laughing for, after I stopped laughing he asked me what the hell had been so funny.
I turned to him and said that Brand new album you just bought of that brand new singer/songwriter isn't new at all..
I then explained to him that said cd had been around since the seventies and that yep you guessed it! It was Carole King and the cd was Tapestry..
Oh how we both burst into fits of laughter he even more than me after realising his mistake..Still I told him he had good taste..even if it was 30 years to late..
He was so embarrased I never saw him for weeks sfter that.
I can still never work out how the hell he had never heard of Carole King and had never heard any of her songs on the radio over the years..I put it down to a very sheltered life..
If your reading this Carly sorry mate but I just had to tell..