| I am not able to listen when using MusicMatch.. I have
| checked Vol Control and Lin In is not checked so
| something else is wrong..
| Thanks, Gene
| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >| Using WMP9 how do you set up to record "LineIn".. Also
| >| Using MusicMatch how can you Listen to the recording
| when
| >| recording to the H/D on LineIn..Thanks Gene
| >
| >Use your MusicMatch to record from the line in. Then you
| can listen to it.
| >Or get Goldwave and do the same thing.
| >
| >Cheers,
| >Jerry
| >
Doubler click on the loudspeaker icone in the systray > Options >
Propoerties > Recording > OK > make sure line in is selected as the
recording source. Then use MMJB.