Hey Everybody! First post!
This has to be the simplest thing in the world; i have gone through every
book I can find, and haven't found someone doing this, so it must be so
simple as to not need mentioning;
I have an app in which a classroom has 10 chairs; I have 10 fields in the DB
for Chair1, etc. People come in for training, are assigned a seat, and this
goes into the DB. The report is a simple columnar, and I print Chair1,
Chair2 Occupants, and at the end of the row, I want to tally how many chairs
were filled for each training session. How can I count these iin the
report, and then keep a running tally down the page? I thought it would be
some sort of addition starting with boolean IsNotNull(Chair1) for each row,
but that counts the totals in the DB for all Chair1 rows, not just for that
session. I'm stuck!
This has to be the simplest thing in the world; i have gone through every
book I can find, and haven't found someone doing this, so it must be so
simple as to not need mentioning;
I have an app in which a classroom has 10 chairs; I have 10 fields in the DB
for Chair1, etc. People come in for training, are assigned a seat, and this
goes into the DB. The report is a simple columnar, and I print Chair1,
Chair2 Occupants, and at the end of the row, I want to tally how many chairs
were filled for each training session. How can I count these iin the
report, and then keep a running tally down the page? I thought it would be
some sort of addition starting with boolean IsNotNull(Chair1) for each row,
but that counts the totals in the DB for all Chair1 rows, not just for that
session. I'm stuck!