Talk Talk & the ASA

Jan 14, 2006
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Seems that Talk talk has been reported to the Advertising Standards Authority over their advertising of their free broadband offer. The consumers & at least one ISP (BT) have complained about the wording of the adverts, the offer it's self & the length of contract. A statement from the ASA should come in the next few weeks.

And if things could not get worse for Talk talk seems that they have been overwhelmed with customers wanting to sign up. Some have been given dates for start up, ranging from a month to July. But still talk talk sign people up. Seems they are unable to cope with the numbers trying to sign up!
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So worth hanging back to see what happens then?

I must admit i have done a google search of "talk talk free broadband" and it seems that their are quiet a few unhappy customers with this offer & views differ quiet a lot.
Very interesting indeed - think I'll hang back a bit more to see what happens.
Will it all end in tears

I think as a talk talk customer they should of offered it to us first, seen what troubles could happen and then rollout it in stages.

This way everyone tries to sign up in one go and the system can not handle it. But i do think they should now put it on hold to clear the back log, but then we all know that will not happen!
We've seen this happen all before ... on Dial-up.

Overcapacity leads to contempt ... and a company re-name. ;)
Comet did an offer with LibertySurf with 56k Dial up £20 for life about 6 to 7 years ago. Whole thing was a complete nightmare and most customers got refunds. The whole system melted down in 24 hours, and then it got re-lauched under a different name, suprise surprise.