Do you ever use System Restore or ERUNT.EXE?
Do you have Norton Utilities or SystemWorks? Keep reading.
There are no trash settings in Windows XP. Windows XP has a Recycle Bin.
Recycle Bin Properties.
Right click Recycle Bin | Properties | Global tab |
Configure drives independently
[[Specifies that different settings be used for each of your drives.]]
Use one setting for all drives
[[Specifies that the settings on this tab be used for all your drives.]]
Do not move files to the Recycle Bin
[[Specifies whether the items you delete are immediately removed from your
hard disk or the items you delete are moved to the Recycle Bin. Items moved
to the Recycle Bin are not removed from your hard disk until you empty the
Recycle Bin. ]]
Maximum size of Recycle Bin (percent of each drive)
[[Specifies the maximum storage size of the Recycle Bin. You can conserve
disk space by reducing the size of the Recycle Bin, but files that are
larger than the maximum storage size will be deleted immediately instead of
being stored in the Recycle Bin.]]
Display delete confirmation dialog
[[Specifies whether a confirmation message is displayed when you delete
files to prevent you from deleting files in error. If the Do not move files
to the Recycle Bin check box is selected, you cannot change this setting. ]]
Do you have Norton Utilities or SystemWorks???
Norton Protected Recycle Bin
Right click the Recycle Bin | Properties | Norton Protection tab
Nprotect is part of Norton Utilities. (It replaces the default recycle
bin.) It prevents the user from accidentally deleting data from the PC and
Recycle Bin. Adds an extra layer of safety before you remove deleted files
from the Recycled Bin.
Norton Utilities 2002 v6.0 - WinNT/2000/XP
Troubleshooting problems with the Recycle Bin
Disabling the Norton Protected Recycle Bin
[[The third-party products that are discussed in this article are
manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes
no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability
of these products.
After you install a version of Norton AntiVirus, the Recycle Bin no longer
appears on the desktop.
This issue occurs because Norton AntiVirus changes the name of the Recycle
Bin to "Norton Protected Recycle Bin." Only the words "Norton Protected"
appear below the icon on the desktop because there is not sufficient space
to display the longer name.]]
The Recycle Bin Does Not Appear on the Desktop After You Install Norton
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User