I want to put a range of data into a worksheet. I want the user to
input the values, integers (Child IDs) into the F column.
From the F column, I want my subroutine to take these values, turn
them into a comma separated list string, and put it into another
string so it will look like this:
SQL String = " WHERE ChildID IN ( " & Comma spearated list string &
" ) "
My question is, how do I create a comma separated list string with
dynamic ranges?
I want to put a range of data into a worksheet. I want the user to
input the values, integers (Child IDs) into the F column.
From the F column, I want my subroutine to take these values, turn
them into a comma separated list string, and put it into another
string so it will look like this:
SQL String = " WHERE ChildID IN ( " & Comma spearated list string &
" ) "
My question is, how do I create a comma separated list string with
dynamic ranges?