Taking data from a worksheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tangier
  • Start date Start date



I want to put a range of data into a worksheet. I want the user to
input the values, integers (Child IDs) into the F column.

From the F column, I want my subroutine to take these values, turn
them into a comma separated list string, and put it into another
string so it will look like this:

SQL String = " WHERE ChildID IN ( " & Comma spearated list string &
" ) "

My question is, how do I create a comma separated list string with
dynamic ranges?
This should get you started:

It assumes column F contains no data below the list and no gaps in the list.
You may need to make sure it references the right worksheet before it runs


Function strSQL()

Dim c, tmp

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlUp)).Select

For Each c In Selection
If tmp & "" = "" Then
tmp = " WHERE ChildID IN (" & c.Value
tmp = tmp & "," & c.Value
End If
Next c

tmp = tmp & ")"
strSQL = tmp

End Function


Depending on your project, you may need to activate the correct workbook
and/or worksheet containing the data first.