Takes 2 tries to get up on to the Net!

  • Thread starter Thread starter psongman
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I am having a small problem getting up on the Internet. When I
click on Internet Explorer icon after using my dialup connection to get
on the Net, it goes to a .....dnl.servererror thingie, sure you know
what I mean. Now, if I do it again, it finally works, then kicks me up
and on, same thing with sending message via Outlook Express, takes 2
tries but eventually works. So, something is wrong somewhere with
Registry or something. It does seem to not work as well with the
website I chose in Tools, Internet Options, main site. Can someone
please assist me to correct this snafu. I have noticed as my computer
gets older and older, these distractions seem to occur more and more.
Well, enuf rambling, please assist when you can, and thanks for
listening. Derek