Hi Doug,
Thanks for the info. I havr already tried using xcacls and cacls but I get
"Access is denied". Maybe i'm doing something wrong?
More info follows:
I have some users on a machine, and I want to delete some of their profile
directories, e.g E:\Users\User1\profile
In explorer, if I try and view the folder, I get "Access denied". However I
take ownership via the security tab in explorer and get access that way. (When
I click the security tab, it says "you cannot view or edit permissions, but
you can
take ownership", and it seems to work ok.) However, I need to take ownership
I've tried using the (X)CACLS commands such as (where sysadmin is the
adminstrator account):
CACLS E:\Users\User1\profile /P sysadmin F
XCACLS E:\Users\User1\profile /E /G sysadmin:F;O
XCACLS E:\Users\User1\profile /P sysadmin:F;O
XCACLS E:\Users\User1\profile /P sysadmin:;O
But each one just gives me the "access is denied" message.
Any thoughts about this?
thank you