Taino greetings

Aug 9, 2005
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Greetings I am enjoying you site, I to am doing some reading and getting into how things work here.
So far I like what I see, I am on the weird side, so fear not. I have uploaded a couple of my graphics, i will post more but i didn't want to hog things up. Nice to be joining you.

I have been working on a tech display ( Lampros Hall Technology Display, Weber State University) that will someday be a museum. Be warned it's geeky, but may be enjoyed by mere mortals.


Welcome Taino :) Always good to have another fellow geek here ;)
Welcome Taino to save you some time and computer work over there in Utah when Floppybootstomp said"Wotcha Moosh " that means "hello how are you doing" over here.LOL.
Welcome ... pull up a chair and stay awhile
Thank you all

Nice place you have here Bar Keep.

Frodo thanks for the transliteration,
Muckshifter I think I will,
Christopherpostill good to make your virtual acquaintance,
Floppybootstomp, and a hardy 'whatcha le mancha' to you 2,
Alf, spiders outside the house have parliamentary protection,
Sexy Bex, not the name of a mortal, more one given to a lady of the Tuatha de Dannan,
Ian, Thanks
Thanks to all of you
Hi Taino.

It cool to have a Linux user in the forum. I think that I can learn more from the Linux users on forums because Im kinda new to it.

I had to move and make room so I went from 4 to 2 PC's and I want a Linux media PC again.

Keep coming back enjoy.

The Tech with guns from New Mexico USA.
Welcome !!!

Welcome Taino !

I hope that you will like to you here !

I is liked very well here... and its fact right 3 days that I am registered
A belated welcome from me Taino.

Hope you enjoy your stay, you seem to have made yourself at home already :)