'tags' field embedded in metadata

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'tags' field embedded in metadata

When I first got vista I could not wait to tag my files, it's the best
feature of the OS in my opinion. However it was important that the data
entered stayed latched in the file, as it mostly does, but I had a horrible
feelng that all my hard work might be missplaced as the all important 'tag'
field was not present in the visible fields of any file under XP. which
doesn't nessesarily mean it wasn't.

So I tested the theory by tagging all fields of a .jpg and checking the
meatdata on another computer from an internet cafe, it was XP (nobody has
vista yet), but could not see the tag field, so until i test it on another
vista machine I am still not 100% sure and really would like to clarify the

Does the 'tag' field data reside within the file or on a database in vista?

Also I heard it was possible to get the rating system to tag inside files
rather than the vista d/b, is this true and should Microsoft really be using
anything but the metadata within a file without making it clear?!

Many thanks,


This is a little late, I hope your still monitoring this group. If not, hope
this helps someone else.

Here is an excerpt from an article on the Microsoft Photography Blog.

In the past, you may have used third-party image management applications
that allowed you to add tags (or other metadata) to your photos, only to
find out later that those tags were locked in a private database that only
that application could read. This makes it inconvenient to share your photos
(or back them up), since the metadata didn’t travel with the file. In
Windows Vista, our goal is “the truth is in the fileâ€. That means that
metadata you apply to your photos is part of the photo, and available to any
application that knows how to read it.

Microsoft Photography Blog : Metadata and the Windows Vista Photo Gallery:
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:29:04 -0800, "Ronnie Vernon MVP"
Here is an excerpt from an article on the Microsoft Photography Blog.
In the past, you may have used third-party image management applications
that allowed you to add tags (or other metadata) to your photos, only to
find out later that those tags were locked in a private database that only
that application could read. This makes it inconvenient to share your photos
(or back them up), since the metadata didn’t travel with the file. In
Windows Vista, our goal is “the truth is in the file”. That means that
metadata you apply to your photos is part of the photo, and available to any
application that knows how to read it.
Microsoft Photography Blog : Metadata and the Windows Vista Photo Gallery:

Vista64 RTM seems to have a bug within the graphic file metadata, as
visible in the relevant picture here:


If you include "/" characters in a tag, only the text to the right of
the last "/" is displayed, though the full tag is displayed in the
ToolTip for that tag.

Stability problems may follow the creation of such tags, when working
with tags on other graphic files in the same folder.

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Saws are too hard to use.
Be easier to use!