<?> Tag. What Is It? How Can I Get Rid Of It?



I have one page on my website that has expanded the width making you
scroll across the page to read it. I notice that the HTML for that
page has a bunch of <?> tags. What is the significance of these tags,
and how can I get rid of them? I suspect they are related to my width
problem as none of my other pages have them and they are all of the
correct width.

Remove 33 from address

chris leeds

if you give the exact url of your page on the internet you'll get a
definitive answer.

Thomas A. Rowe


It appears the you have been using MS Word to create your text, and then
pasting the text directly into your page. The best way to get clean text,
but requires the you reformat the text directly in FP, is to paste the text
from MS Word into Notepad first, then into your page in FP.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

The <?> represent the <o:p> tag.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


You can drag a Word file from Windows Explorer onto your FP page, and you
will keep the formatting without getting the <?> tags. It appears that the
two applications have been designed to work together.



OK. Thanks for the tip. Now, how do I get out of this situation?
Should I cut all the text on the page, paste it into NotePad, then
copy and paste from there back to FP?



Easy enough. You can do it in html view with a find and replace. (I have
just tried it.) First find <o:p> and replace all with nothing. Then find
</o:p> and replace all with nothing.

If you have a lot of pages, then you could do a find and replace for the
entire web. Check "all pages" and check "find in html." If you are using FP
2000 (I don't know about other versions) then this global command will not
automatically replace. It will give you a list of pages, and you will have
to click on each page to complete the replace.(See my posting a little bit
below this one.)

I hope this helps.



OK. I have already moved the text to NotePad to strip off the
formatting, and returning it to FP to reformat there. If I run into
this again, I will try your method. Thanks a lot. I didn't realize
that Word and FP are not compatible. Seems strange. You would think
that two of Microsoft's major programs would be totally compatible
with each other. I am using FP 2000.



Word & FP are totally compatible. You have simply been doing it the wrong
way. I have been dragging Word files onto my web pages for years without
ever a problem or unwanted little tags. You open Windows explorer as a
little window and then you drag your Word file onto the page. I also use FP
2000, and it worked with FP98.

Right now, you are solving your problem the hard way: cutting, pasting, and
reformatting when you don't have to.



If Word and FP were totally compatible you could cut and paste back
and forth without any format problems. You can't, therefore, they
aren't. Typically, I don't have a file to drag. I get inputs as Word
attachments in Outlook. I open the Word file from Outlook, then copy
the portion of the message I want, and paste it into FP. That
obviously doesn't work as the formatting is different. I could save
the Word file from Outlook, delete the portions I don't want, save the
file, then drag it into FP. I suppose it's six of one and half a
dozen of the other. I think either way would take about the same
amount of time. Thanks for the idea though.


chris leeds

there is also an add-in/ macro or whatever at the FrontPage add-in center
that's supposed to ease the process.
In fp 2002 when I cut and past from another application I get a little
balloon next to the clip board that has three options: keep formatting,
match destination styles, and keep text only.


Any idea what the title is? I looked through the descriptions of all
233 add-ins, but didn't see anything like that.

Remove 33 from address

chris leeds

don't recall because I haven't needed it. I'm sure one of the posters on
this NG will know. if you don't get an answer on this thread post a new one
about that add-in/ macro.


Except for being ugly, the little tags don't hurt anything. At one point, I
took over a web site from a friend who had been pasting things in. The
little tags were at the end of every paragraph, but they did not affect

Another thing you could is to select the parts you want, save them to a Word
file, and then drag in the file. In a case like yours, you could always use
the same Word file. Just select everything, erase it, and paste in the new

By the way, can anyone tell me what <o:p> means?


Stefan B Rusynko

Only available for MSO 2000 -

| Any idea what the title is? I looked through the descriptions of all
| 233 add-ins, but didn't see anything like that.
| Dick
| Remove 33 from address
| On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 08:55:32 -0500, "chris leeds" <[email protected]>
| wrote:
| >there is also an add-in/ macro or whatever at the FrontPage add-in center
| >that's supposed to ease the process.
| >In fp 2002 when I cut and past from another application I get a little
| >balloon next to the clip board that has three options: keep formatting,
| >match destination styles, and keep text only.
| >HTH


The little tags allowed the page text to expand horizontally, which
caused readers to have to scroll across the page to read it. When I
removed the tags, the margins returned to the FP default and
everything was fine.



Thanks Stefan. I do have MSO 2000 on one of my computers. I may be
able to make use of the filter tool there.


chris leeds

I don't know if you've got Buyens MS FrontPage ISO but he's got a macro
called "super remove formatting" on the companion disk that may work for
I recommended it to Eleanor and she got it going. it should bust off every
mark up right through the fp interface and then you can format with
FrontPage till your hearts content.
I bet Mr. Buyens would provide a link to the macro if you don't have the
disk and asked nice ;-)

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