TAction class??


Leif Eirik Olsen


Beeing used to develope with Delphi (not dotnet), it has become a habit
using Delphi's TAction/TActionList. These classes are great for centralizing
the code for user commands and in addition great to centralize the user
interface elements.

Does enyone know if these (or similar) classes are available in using C# and


Leif Eirik Olsen

Leif Eirik Olsen said:

Does enyone know if these (or similar) classes are available in using C# and

Searching the web, I found one answare saying it does not exist in dotnet:


.......so mabe I should ask a different question:

Often a single application command (say like a FileOpen) can be executed
from different places within the same application. To the extreme one could
have ex. a form with a mainmenu item, a popupmenu item, a toolbar button and
a standard button all doing the mentioned FileOpen 'action'. How do you
usually maintain the enabled/disabled property for all these controls in
dotnet ??


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