It's very difficult to tabulate the following cost
increases for above 500 products
Product Date Increase cost $
A 3/1/97 1.00
A 5/1/97 1.50
A 8/1/98 2.00
A 3/1/00 2.25
A 2/1/01 2.50
A 2/1/02 3.50
B 2/1/97 0.50
B 2/1/98 1.00
B 3/1/99 1.25
B 5/1/99 1.70
B 4/1/00 2.05
B 5/1/00 2.50
B 2/1/01 2.75
Is there a way to tabulate the cost for past 5 yrs by
monthly based on calender year (form Jan'98 till Dec'02),
however for month of Sept should appear twice. Total
should be 65 months.
The format should look like this
Product Jan'98 Feb'98...Jul'98 Aug'98 Sept'98 Sept'98....
A 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00
increases for above 500 products
Product Date Increase cost $
A 3/1/97 1.00
A 5/1/97 1.50
A 8/1/98 2.00
A 3/1/00 2.25
A 2/1/01 2.50
A 2/1/02 3.50
B 2/1/97 0.50
B 2/1/98 1.00
B 3/1/99 1.25
B 5/1/99 1.70
B 4/1/00 2.05
B 5/1/00 2.50
B 2/1/01 2.75
Is there a way to tabulate the cost for past 5 yrs by
monthly based on calender year (form Jan'98 till Dec'02),
however for month of Sept should appear twice. Total
should be 65 months.
The format should look like this
Product Jan'98 Feb'98...Jul'98 Aug'98 Sept'98 Sept'98....
A 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00