tabs or spaces probleme...


Kevin Auch


I'm working on a little application which analyse source code file from
VS.NET. But I'm in front of
a big problem. The source generated by VS.NET is automatically "indented",
but when I analyse these lines
I can't remove the tabs or the spaces at the beginning of the line because
it's not spaces or tabs.
I tried to change the encoding of my StreamReader but it's always the

have got an idea ??

scuse me for my poor english


Kevin Auch
CodeWise Community Member

Jon Skeet

Kevin Auch said:
I'm working on a little application which analyse source code file from
VS.NET. But I'm in front of
a big problem. The source generated by VS.NET is automatically "indented",
but when I analyse these lines
I can't remove the tabs or the spaces at the beginning of the line because
it's not spaces or tabs.
I tried to change the encoding of my StreamReader but it's always the

have got an idea ??

That sounds very odd - I'm sure it *is* spaces or tabs. Could you mail
me a short source file that is indented supposedly without using spaces
or tabs?

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