tabs & formatting in concatenated report fields



I am exporting a report to Pagemaker with style sheet tags. I need a detail
line with the tag, several fields (one of which needs formatted 000.0).

The report field is: ="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Tab & [Field2] . . . .

1. I need to insert a tab character for "Tab" - don't know how to do that
2. I need to format [Field2] as 000.0 (1 decimal place)

Any help would be appreciated. . .the reason I don't use a table or query
export is because I need the tags on the group headers as well for a book.

Duane Hookom

Try something like:
="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Chr(9) & Format([Field2],"000.0") . .


That's great . . .worked fine. . .what is the syntax to format a date field
to force six digits (mm/dd/yy) forcing 01/03/06 (padded 0's)

Thanks a lot for your help . . .

Duane Hookom said:
Try something like:
="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Chr(9) & Format([Field2],"000.0") . .

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

bigitch said:
I am exporting a report to Pagemaker with style sheet tags. I need a detail
line with the tag, several fields (one of which needs formatted 000.0).

The report field is: ="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Tab & [Field2] . . . .

1. I need to insert a tab character for "Tab" - don't know how to do that
2. I need to format [Field2] as 000.0 (1 decimal place)

Any help would be appreciated. . .the reason I don't use a table or query
export is because I need the tags on the group headers as well for a book.

Duane Hookom

The answer is in your question. If you can't figure it out, check Help for
the format function with dates.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

bigitch said:
That's great . . .worked fine. . .what is the syntax to format a date
to force six digits (mm/dd/yy) forcing 01/03/06 (padded 0's)

Thanks a lot for your help . . .

Duane Hookom said:
Try something like:
="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Chr(9) & Format([Field2],"000.0") . .

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

bigitch said:
I am exporting a report to Pagemaker with style sheet tags. I need a
line with the tag, several fields (one of which needs formatted 000.0).

The report field is: ="<StyleTag>" & [Field1] & Tab & [Field2] . . . .

1. I need to insert a tab character for "Tab" - don't know how to do
2. I need to format [Field2] as 000.0 (1 decimal place)

Any help would be appreciated. . .the reason I don't use a table or
export is because I need the tags on the group headers as well for a

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