I have worked with desk-top publishing programs for 20 years (mainly
FrameMaker and PageMaker) and I still can't get how PowerPoint's tabs and
indents work...
* How can I set a numerical value to a tab or indent? I want them to be
EXACTLY the same, and I don't want to use the snaps as they are too far apart?
* Why does a change I make to a line affect ALL lines in that placeholder? I
want an "hanging indent" on lines 2-4, but I don't want it in the header!!!
Do I need to have a separate placeholder for the header?
And another "pet-peeve" that hasn't anything to do with tabs or indents:
* How can I get PowerPoint to understand that if I format a line with size
16 points Futura, I want it to stay 16 points, and not 16+, that could be
* If a perfectly formatted line of text is copied into another placeholder,
WHY does the size (and often the type) change to something else???
Please save me from this frustration!! I am "cleaning up" a 63-page
presentation my boss made and it's taking hours. I know, I should take a
class in PowerPoint, but it feels so frustrating when I've been working with
dtp so long. I SHOULD know how to fix this!!

Lena, Sweden
FrameMaker and PageMaker) and I still can't get how PowerPoint's tabs and
indents work...
* How can I set a numerical value to a tab or indent? I want them to be
EXACTLY the same, and I don't want to use the snaps as they are too far apart?
* Why does a change I make to a line affect ALL lines in that placeholder? I
want an "hanging indent" on lines 2-4, but I don't want it in the header!!!
Do I need to have a separate placeholder for the header?
And another "pet-peeve" that hasn't anything to do with tabs or indents:
* How can I get PowerPoint to understand that if I format a line with size
16 points Futura, I want it to stay 16 points, and not 16+, that could be
* If a perfectly formatted line of text is copied into another placeholder,
WHY does the size (and often the type) change to something else???
Please save me from this frustration!! I am "cleaning up" a 63-page
presentation my boss made and it's taking hours. I know, I should take a
class in PowerPoint, but it feels so frustrating when I've been working with
dtp so long. I SHOULD know how to fix this!!

Lena, Sweden