I've searched this forum for similar issues, and it seems that one
popular answer is, 'CreateGraphics() is only valid for Forms and
Controls'. But isn't a TabPage a Control? So why won't it work?
The other popular answer seems to be 'create a custom control and
override the onPaint() method'. I'm a newbie to all this, but it seems
like if you do that, you lose a lot of the utility that the Form
Designer gives you. I have a TabControl with 3 TabPages on it, each
with several 'normal' controls like Labels. The FormsDesigner does all
the nice generated code for that, and it seems like if I have to create
a custom control, I'm going to lose all that generated code.
Yes I know it's already been generated and I can just copy/paste it,
but if I want to change anything via Forms Designer, I now have to
manually do all that.
Is there some compromise between the Designer and customizing controls?
popular answer is, 'CreateGraphics() is only valid for Forms and
Controls'. But isn't a TabPage a Control? So why won't it work?
The other popular answer seems to be 'create a custom control and
override the onPaint() method'. I'm a newbie to all this, but it seems
like if you do that, you lose a lot of the utility that the Form
Designer gives you. I have a TabControl with 3 TabPages on it, each
with several 'normal' controls like Labels. The FormsDesigner does all
the nice generated code for that, and it seems like if I have to create
a custom control, I'm going to lose all that generated code.
Yes I know it's already been generated and I can just copy/paste it,
but if I want to change anything via Forms Designer, I now have to
manually do all that.
Is there some compromise between the Designer and customizing controls?