Thanks for the feedback, Sue
It's a shame that this can't be done easily within the usual Outlook settings
Can you, or indeed anyone else reading this, suggest any approaches to do this outside the usual Outlook set up ? Could we overwrite the standard program and force it to work in a certain way to support permissions on individual views ? (only for specific Public Folders
Any ideas are very welcome - thanks for the help so far
----- Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
Outlook does not support permissions on individual views
Sue Mosher, Outlook MV
Author o
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart fo
Administrators, Power Users, and Developer
Tricia said:
either all people with access to the folder to see it as the default view o
just keep it for myself. The problem is that ideally I'd like to lin
different views of the folder to different disti lists of users for th
folderwith permissions to access the folder, I want user list 1 to only see view
and user list 2 to only see view 2 even though they can both access the sam