Have another question. I've split most of my tables so that 90% of them
contain only 2-4 fields and then related them (tblCompetencies,
tblWardCompetencies, tblPersonnel, tblPersonnelCompetencies, etc).
Question: How many fields is too many to still remain normalized?
I have three tables left to split and I don't think I should.
1. tblArmyPhysicalFitnessTest
PersonnelID (fk ---> tblPersonnel.PersonnelID (PK)
APFTInfo (18 fields----> Type (Record/Diagnostic), Date, Result (pass/fail),
PushUpRawScore, SitUpRawScore, RunRawScore, PushUpTableScore,
SitUptableScore, RunTableScore, MeetsWeight (Y/N), AllowedWeight, Profile
(Y/N), Profile Type, Height, Weight, SpecialPOPSReason, SpecialPOPSDate.
Each record would contain one complete APFT. Some fields are Date/Time, some
are Text, Yes/No, and some are Number.
The other two are similar in that they (tblMaleWeightControl and
tblFemaleWeightControl) contain only the fields needed to conduct one bodyfat
measurement. Male has 13 fields + 1 PK + 1 FK and Female has 26 fields + 1 PK
+ 1 FK.
Split and relate or not to split/relate?
contain only 2-4 fields and then related them (tblCompetencies,
tblWardCompetencies, tblPersonnel, tblPersonnelCompetencies, etc).
Question: How many fields is too many to still remain normalized?
I have three tables left to split and I don't think I should.
1. tblArmyPhysicalFitnessTest
PersonnelID (fk ---> tblPersonnel.PersonnelID (PK)
APFTInfo (18 fields----> Type (Record/Diagnostic), Date, Result (pass/fail),
PushUpRawScore, SitUpRawScore, RunRawScore, PushUpTableScore,
SitUptableScore, RunTableScore, MeetsWeight (Y/N), AllowedWeight, Profile
(Y/N), Profile Type, Height, Weight, SpecialPOPSReason, SpecialPOPSDate.
Each record would contain one complete APFT. Some fields are Date/Time, some
are Text, Yes/No, and some are Number.
The other two are similar in that they (tblMaleWeightControl and
tblFemaleWeightControl) contain only the fields needed to conduct one bodyfat
measurement. Male has 13 fields + 1 PK + 1 FK and Female has 26 fields + 1 PK
+ 1 FK.
Split and relate or not to split/relate?