Hello - I;m trying to create a version 2 of my database that's normalized.
Have the following problem(s):
Am creating different tables for Contacts, PhoneNum, Addresses
Contacts can be persons _or_ organizations.
Relationship between contact and addresses is many:many. (I think I have
that working OK.) A person can have a home or a work address or both.
An organization by definition would have only a work address.
How can I refer or create a relationship between Person X and Organization
7? That is, how can I end up with a real-world mailing label, namely:
Person X
Title if any
Company 99
Address info . . . .
Right now table structure is
prefix, firstname, midname,lastname, suffix, organizationName
tblAddresses - the usual suspects
frmContacts beforeUpdate Event = "Last Name or Organization Name must be
filled in!" using a macro.
And I guess I want to prevent entry in Both LName & Org.
I have tried having a separate CompanyTable, but had problems getting all
addresses into the addresses/ContactAddresses tables, because I set up one
junction table between the two 'entity' tables and the Address table.
How do I avoid the following, or should I?
Thanks!!! - Lisa
Have the following problem(s):
Am creating different tables for Contacts, PhoneNum, Addresses
Contacts can be persons _or_ organizations.
Relationship between contact and addresses is many:many. (I think I have
that working OK.) A person can have a home or a work address or both.
An organization by definition would have only a work address.
How can I refer or create a relationship between Person X and Organization
7? That is, how can I end up with a real-world mailing label, namely:
Person X
Title if any
Company 99
Address info . . . .
Right now table structure is
prefix, firstname, midname,lastname, suffix, organizationName
tblAddresses - the usual suspects
frmContacts beforeUpdate Event = "Last Name or Organization Name must be
filled in!" using a macro.
And I guess I want to prevent entry in Both LName & Org.
I have tried having a separate CompanyTable, but had problems getting all
addresses into the addresses/ContactAddresses tables, because I set up one
junction table between the two 'entity' tables and the Address table.
How do I avoid the following, or should I?
Thanks!!! - Lisa