I’m using Strong Data Types DataSets. Using it is great for several reasons,
one of them is creating new rows using NewTableRow, this row is not a simple
DataRow, but a complex DataRow with table fields as properties,
xmlSchemaWriting, etc..
But when you perform table.Select it returns a simple DataRow(), then you
are forced to access each field using field names and columnCollections. Is
there a way to perform a table.Select and having an array TableRow() as a
one of them is creating new rows using NewTableRow, this row is not a simple
DataRow, but a complex DataRow with table fields as properties,
xmlSchemaWriting, etc..
But when you perform table.Select it returns a simple DataRow(), then you
are forced to access each field using field names and columnCollections. Is
there a way to perform a table.Select and having an array TableRow() as a