I cannot seem to find the correct link relationship combination that
will allow me to connect 42 Excel worksheets to 26 to 77 Word
In my Product/Inventory Table, I have the name Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
In my Excel Work Sheet, I have 1 to 5 Word Document titles that may
apply to this one product.
My question is how to resolve garbage in and garbage out results with
the following:
Product/Inventory Table
PK=Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
Once the 42 Excel worksheet are transferred over to Access 2010 into
FK= Each of the five documents, such as;
Thank you for sharing both your professional time and your
professional experiences with me in this personal matter
Everything below here is just background information for my question
to the Group.
The elderly owner of this very small office/warehouse sells and buys
chemicals. There are 26 basic chemicals*. Out of these 26 basic
chemicals there are 77 products produced and sold.
In the owner’s Windows XP C Drive folder named Chemical, the owner is
using Windows Office 2007, are these Excel Labels and Word Documents.
The basic process:
An order is received.
The order is prepared, that is the powder or liquid chemical(s) are
Depending on the quantity a pale or drum is assigned
The order is named based on one of the 77 products titles
An Excel label is pulled from the Owner’s drive and printed.
Than the accompany document(s) are pulled from this same directory and
The shipping company is called and an arrangement for pickup and
delivery are made.
The deliver is picked up with the Excel label attached to the
container and the documents along with the container are shipped.
Over looking for now the tracking of buyers, sellers, quantities on
hand, last price, shippers, invoices, employees, payroll, tax rate and
tax locations and a host of other factors; an Excel Label is to be
printed and attached to each product to be shipped out. In addition to
the product and label, there are industry wide informational sheet
that should either be embedded in the label to automatically print or
some way to let the printer of the Excel Label know that other
documents need to be printed before the shipment is labeled and
The immediate problem is how to attach the correct Excel Sheet
converted to an Access information Table, which could be up to five
documents, to the correct Excel Label. That is, each of the 26 to 77
products in inventory matched to the appropriate one of many, in some
cases five, Word Documents: calls for a PK on each of Excel Labels
with a FK on each of the 42 pages.
I am using Windows 7, 64-bit, Office 2010 Pro. I copied the titles in
the Owner’s Chemical folder to my drive and folder.
Using the owner’s 2007 Access with CD book, I sat out thinking I was
going toward a solution only to realize that I have created a living
nightmare for myself. I first copied all the examples on the CD to my
computer and then attempted to exchange the information in the
examples with that of the owner. That was my first steps into this
madness of index key issues, data not formatted correctly, you need to
fill out that table before you can enter data into this table, do want
to delete current relationships, and on and on. I finally realize that
I was either going to run an example or attempt to run an example that
was going to permanently turn off my computer.
So as the rule goes, when all else fails read the instruction. I
started with Chapter one and by Chapter 10, yes using shortcut that is
searching for the graphic figures and then reading the accompany text
in the book that applied to the example on the CD, I realized that I
could not apply what I was reading. I would see the relationship in
the text graphic figure, even though it was not my data, I attempted
to drawn the same linked relationship, the one to one, one to many,
left, right or grandparent relationship left me wondering if a pen and
paper were a more efficient solution. I looked at the solution in the
User group, and gasp in wonderment with the word wow, that solution
worked for that person. I then copy the solution word for word and
then failure occurred at the end. So as to not further my nightmare, I
decided I would stay away from using macro and VBA for the time being
until I see some type of progress towards daylight.
So I went into Excel and created 42 pages, I had to do something to
stay sane, and/or at least establish the illusion of achieving some
An Excel Label will have at least one and maybe all five applicable
Word Documents:
A Word Document that applies to that Excel Label
A Literature that applies to that Excel Label
A MSDS that applies to that Excel Label
A Titration Procedure that applies to that Excel Label
The owner’s word documents that applies to that Excel Label
Presently: Excel Label Name for Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
Presently: An Excel sheet listing each category, such as;
1. WordChemicaTitrationProcedureListingFormatDocument
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
2. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithALetter
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate CAS
3. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAMeasurement
4. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithANumber
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate 30
5. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAPercent
6. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAPro
Would be associated or linked to this one Excel Label name for Ferric
Ammonium Oxalate.
*Chemistry for me is as Kryptonite is to Superman in the Superman
mythos, an ultimate weakness, so I apology for miss using chemistry in
such way as to state that it is a basic chemical. I am meaning to say
that the term, that is the legitimate Chemical term, has no
significance to me in this application other than its … well a basic
something. I suppose I could have used XYZ.
will allow me to connect 42 Excel worksheets to 26 to 77 Word
In my Product/Inventory Table, I have the name Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
In my Excel Work Sheet, I have 1 to 5 Word Document titles that may
apply to this one product.
My question is how to resolve garbage in and garbage out results with
the following:
Product/Inventory Table
PK=Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
Once the 42 Excel worksheet are transferred over to Access 2010 into
FK= Each of the five documents, such as;
Thank you for sharing both your professional time and your
professional experiences with me in this personal matter
Everything below here is just background information for my question
to the Group.
The elderly owner of this very small office/warehouse sells and buys
chemicals. There are 26 basic chemicals*. Out of these 26 basic
chemicals there are 77 products produced and sold.
In the owner’s Windows XP C Drive folder named Chemical, the owner is
using Windows Office 2007, are these Excel Labels and Word Documents.
The basic process:
An order is received.
The order is prepared, that is the powder or liquid chemical(s) are
Depending on the quantity a pale or drum is assigned
The order is named based on one of the 77 products titles
An Excel label is pulled from the Owner’s drive and printed.
Than the accompany document(s) are pulled from this same directory and
The shipping company is called and an arrangement for pickup and
delivery are made.
The deliver is picked up with the Excel label attached to the
container and the documents along with the container are shipped.
Over looking for now the tracking of buyers, sellers, quantities on
hand, last price, shippers, invoices, employees, payroll, tax rate and
tax locations and a host of other factors; an Excel Label is to be
printed and attached to each product to be shipped out. In addition to
the product and label, there are industry wide informational sheet
that should either be embedded in the label to automatically print or
some way to let the printer of the Excel Label know that other
documents need to be printed before the shipment is labeled and
The immediate problem is how to attach the correct Excel Sheet
converted to an Access information Table, which could be up to five
documents, to the correct Excel Label. That is, each of the 26 to 77
products in inventory matched to the appropriate one of many, in some
cases five, Word Documents: calls for a PK on each of Excel Labels
with a FK on each of the 42 pages.
I am using Windows 7, 64-bit, Office 2010 Pro. I copied the titles in
the Owner’s Chemical folder to my drive and folder.
Using the owner’s 2007 Access with CD book, I sat out thinking I was
going toward a solution only to realize that I have created a living
nightmare for myself. I first copied all the examples on the CD to my
computer and then attempted to exchange the information in the
examples with that of the owner. That was my first steps into this
madness of index key issues, data not formatted correctly, you need to
fill out that table before you can enter data into this table, do want
to delete current relationships, and on and on. I finally realize that
I was either going to run an example or attempt to run an example that
was going to permanently turn off my computer.
So as the rule goes, when all else fails read the instruction. I
started with Chapter one and by Chapter 10, yes using shortcut that is
searching for the graphic figures and then reading the accompany text
in the book that applied to the example on the CD, I realized that I
could not apply what I was reading. I would see the relationship in
the text graphic figure, even though it was not my data, I attempted
to drawn the same linked relationship, the one to one, one to many,
left, right or grandparent relationship left me wondering if a pen and
paper were a more efficient solution. I looked at the solution in the
User group, and gasp in wonderment with the word wow, that solution
worked for that person. I then copy the solution word for word and
then failure occurred at the end. So as to not further my nightmare, I
decided I would stay away from using macro and VBA for the time being
until I see some type of progress towards daylight.
So I went into Excel and created 42 pages, I had to do something to
stay sane, and/or at least establish the illusion of achieving some
An Excel Label will have at least one and maybe all five applicable
Word Documents:
A Word Document that applies to that Excel Label
A Literature that applies to that Excel Label
A MSDS that applies to that Excel Label
A Titration Procedure that applies to that Excel Label
The owner’s word documents that applies to that Excel Label
Presently: Excel Label Name for Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
Presently: An Excel sheet listing each category, such as;
1. WordChemicaTitrationProcedureListingFormatDocument
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
2. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithALetter
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate CAS
3. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAMeasurement
4. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithANumber
Ferric Ammonium Oxalate 30
5. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAPercent
6. WordTitrationProcedureChemicalDocumentFormatEndingWithAPro
Would be associated or linked to this one Excel Label name for Ferric
Ammonium Oxalate.
*Chemistry for me is as Kryptonite is to Superman in the Superman
mythos, an ultimate weakness, so I apology for miss using chemistry in
such way as to state that it is a basic chemical. I am meaning to say
that the term, that is the legitimate Chemical term, has no
significance to me in this application other than its … well a basic
something. I suppose I could have used XYZ.