I am having a problem that only occurrs on two web site
home pages that I visit. The table of contents (links to
other html pages on these sites) that normally would
show "buttons" to click on to go to other pages does not
show up. Only a picture border shows up with nothing
inside to click. The only thing you see inside this
border is the symbol containing the small red square,
green circle, and blue triangle in the upper left corner
of the TOC (table of contents). This is the symbol that
you briefly see when pictures are first refreshing on your
screen. I have verified that these TOC's should show up
properly on my screen by calling other people at the same
time to view these web sites (They have access to these
TOC's, I do not). I have downloaded all of the latest
Microsoft patches for Internet Explorer
(ver:6.0.2800.1106CO) and for the OS that I am running
(Windows 98 SE). Any help in this matter would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks.
home pages that I visit. The table of contents (links to
other html pages on these sites) that normally would
show "buttons" to click on to go to other pages does not
show up. Only a picture border shows up with nothing
inside to click. The only thing you see inside this
border is the symbol containing the small red square,
green circle, and blue triangle in the upper left corner
of the TOC (table of contents). This is the symbol that
you briefly see when pictures are first refreshing on your
screen. I have verified that these TOC's should show up
properly on my screen by calling other people at the same
time to view these web sites (They have access to these
TOC's, I do not). I have downloaded all of the latest
Microsoft patches for Internet Explorer
(ver:6.0.2800.1106CO) and for the OS that I am running
(Windows 98 SE). Any help in this matter would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks.