Flying Whiz
I am trying to write function Table exists.Hw can I write this in
I am trying to write this fucntion similarly as it was written in eVB
as below.I want to know what dictionary wordS I can use for ADOCE /
ADOCXE.Catalog 3.1 when i am writing this in .NETCF.
Private Function TableExists(paramcnADO As ADOCE.Connection,
paramTableName As String) As Boolean
Dim catTable As ADOXCE.Table
Dim cat As ADOXCE.Catalog
TableExists = False
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOXCE.Catalog.3.1")
cat.ActiveConnection = paramcnADO
For Each catTable In cat.Tables
If InStr(1, catTable.Name, paramTableName) <> 0 Then _
TableExists = True
Set catTable = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
End Function
I am trying to write function Table exists.Hw can I write this in
I am trying to write this fucntion similarly as it was written in eVB
as below.I want to know what dictionary wordS I can use for ADOCE /
ADOCXE.Catalog 3.1 when i am writing this in .NETCF.
Private Function TableExists(paramcnADO As ADOCE.Connection,
paramTableName As String) As Boolean
Dim catTable As ADOXCE.Table
Dim cat As ADOXCE.Catalog
TableExists = False
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOXCE.Catalog.3.1")
cat.ActiveConnection = paramcnADO
For Each catTable In cat.Tables
If InStr(1, catTable.Name, paramTableName) <> 0 Then _
TableExists = True
Set catTable = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
End Function